November 25, 2010

Holiday Gift Giving Made Easy

Posted in Nursing Tips tagged , at 6:25 am by Nursing Tales Team

Whether you work in a hospital, clinic or medical office, chances are the excitement over the upcoming holidays is getting stronger with every passing day. The holidays are a time when co-workers and colleagues can boost morale, become better acquainted and enjoy a little bit of fun at the office. However, because life is simply very busy during the holidays, it may seem too difficult to pick up anything other than a gift card to the local coffee shop for the holiday gift exchange.

There is no need to stress over holiday gift giving! With ID lanyards, you’ve got all the options you need to buy for anyone and everyone on your holiday shopping list. The lanyard is making a real statement in the medical profession, since most medical professionals wear an ID badge of some sort. Were it not for ID lanyards, every badge would be clipped to the work uniform and that would be that.

But because nurses and other medical professionals have shown their desire to look and feel great at work, the lanyard has become a highly fashionable item that enhances overall professional appearance even when the work uniform consists of scrubs.

No matter whom you have to buy a gift for, even if the gift is for a white elephant gift exchange, where each person draws a random gift to unwrap. This fun game is all that much better when the gifts are so good that they are “stolen” several times. ID lanyards featuring retractable badge reels and a chic design are some of the most popular gifts for this or any type of gift exchange. A lanyard with a retractable reel allows the medical professional to avoid bending to reach an electronic card reader when their ID badge seconds as a key to secure areas.

Planning ahead for your holiday gift giving allows you to eliminate the stress of purchasing gifts for everyone at work. Want to be sure and remember everyone? Go online and buy ID lanyards for everyone!

An important thing to remember when it comes to giving gifts to co-workers is to be considerate of culture and feelings. If you plan to participate in a department or office-wide gift exchange, be sure to purchase a gift that would be suitable for any person in the group. If there is someone special you would like to give a personal gift to, give them their gift away from the group so there are no hurt feelings. Also, gifts for the boss should be discussed, and a decision made by the whole department as to whether a gift will be given from the group or individually.. Gift giving at holidays or any other time of year is fun for both the giver and the receiver. With the lanyard being such a popular item in the medical setting, this one item is ideal for all of your co-workers. It provides a useful purpose, and when decorated with sophisticated or fun designs, enhances professional image as well.

October 29, 2010

Celebrating the Holidays at Work

Posted in Nurse Education, Nurse Fashion, Nurses, Nursing Career, Nursing Tips tagged at 1:44 pm by Nursing Tales Team

We spend a lot of time in the place where we work, and that can make the holidays a tricky time of year.  Many people have different ways of celebrating holidays; and different holidays that they celebrate.  There is no reason why you shouldn’t want to or be able to show your holiday spirit at work.  The best rule of thumb is to simply keep things simple.  By doing this, you can make sure no one is offended at your celebratory mood.  Here are some tips for celebrating holidays at work.

  • Keep feasting to a minimum.  It is a well known fact that the holidays are wrought with food, especially unhealthy baked treats that bring pounds with them.  Rethink what you bring to work and how often you and your coworkers will indulge with food items.  When you work with patients, there is a high likelihood that they will bring in treats for office staff, which eliminates the need for you and your coworkers to also bring in snacks.  Talk with your coworkers and consider planning one big luncheon where everyone can sit and enjoy some time together over a healthy meal.
  • Keep socializing to a minimum.  It is important that the workplace remain professional at all times.  Even if everyone is excited about the impending holiday office party or is simply in a great festive mood, patient care and work responsibilities should always be priority number one.  There isn’t much to celebrate if you get behind in your work.  If the work day is very busy, perhaps the best idea is to plan a time when the office staff can hold a holiday celebration when there is time to relax and really get into the holiday spirit.
  • Giving gifts to coworkers can be a fun way to show how much you appreciate them.  Since ID lanyards are items widely worn in medical settings, these make the ideal gift for all of your coworkers.  The thing about ID lanyards is that they are useful tools; hence why they are used by the majority of medical professionals.  Many ID lanyards today feature retractable reels that allow cards to be swiped to gain access to secure areas.  Not only are these items very handy tools, they can also provide a way to dress up scrubs.

Everyone knows scrubs are worn for comfort, not fashion.  Even though scrubs come in a wide variety of styles, patterns and colors today, finding alternative ways to show personal style are always welcome.  The lanyard, when decorative and stylish, gives medical professionals a way to look and feel great at work.  Ideal gifts, indeed.

Check with office or department policy to make sure you plan decorations, dress and events in a way that stays in line with that policy.  The holidays are a time to celebrate, not a time to offend.  Through adequate communication, employees can easily come up with a way to celebrate holidays together, without leaving any particular cultural aspects out.  Through inclusive celebrations, it is possible to create a more cohesive team.